Thursday, September 18, 2008


I am not talented!

I realised that right from the word go that i started facing troubles in life.....

.but i got through everything with sheer stubborness that i will HAVE to do it.

Its this mad determination that kept pushing me ..........

From the day I worked as an agricultural labour, from the day I went into construction works for digging foundations, from the day I stood in the red hot sun the whole day for Rs.30, From the day I woke up at 3:30 AM, and finished the day at 01 AM, on holidays to make sure I find an auto to drive, from the day I started doing home tuitions, from the day I joined Infosys, from the day I travelled onsite..... i would put my ass into working and say to myself, you have GOT to do it no matter what comes

.......and you know what.........

and it all worked.

...I am a success today :)

but, this one thing.......


One thing thats been failing me even though i try to my best efforts..........

its kinda hard to digest...

I know i will get there some day......

but its just too hard to digest that I am failing.

Sri doesnt fail.